The second show was the Imprinted Sportswear Show, held in Atlantic City. This show, which is primarily geared toward companies that decorate clothing, either through silk screening, digital print or embroidery.
While both shows were well-attended and offered a lot to see and do, there wasn't a ton at either show that was truly different enough to create a strong buzz in the industry, unlike the "Lance Armstrong bracelets" of a few years ago.
At the ASI show, there were two exhibits that caught my eye. One was a company that makes a hat with a bottle opener in the brim of the hat. The second company was one that makes Big Stuff (like oversized items). Both companies offered items that are unique enough to create interest and sales -- which is the point.
The big "news" from the ISS Show was the continuing advancement in digital printing. When it was first introduced, just a few short years ago, this method of printing was limited mostly to white and ash-colored shirts. Now, thanks to the advancements in technology, printing and inks, even black shirts look great digitally printed.
Seeing just these few items -- the hat, the big stuff, and the digital printing -- makes these shows worthwhile. These shows (and by now most people know I'm a big fan of trade shows) help us to stay sharp and always have new options to offer our clients and customers.
And, at a time when companies are trying to make themselves noticed, these options can make a lot of difference.
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