Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The "other side" of the table

We're still recovering from working at our booth last week at the Builders League of South Jersey Associates Expo. It was our first time setting up a solo display at a trade show, although we previously set up with two other Proforma owners at a Chamber of Commerce show about 4 years ago.

Trade shows are, by nature, a huge challenge. There are dozens upon dozens of small and large details that need to be done just to make sure the show runs smoothly. And even if everything runs smoothly, there's no guarantee of success.

Our biggest decisions involved what to do at our booth. We made arrangements to get the Proforma corporate booth, which showed up on time as promised. The only problem was, the booth was much smaller than we had anticipated. We expected an 8- to 10-foot booth. Instead, it was a 6-x-5 tabletop booth. After setting it up on the ground, we decided at the last minute to put it on a table, like it was supposed to be. As I looked at this booth sitting on the ground, I had this really bad image of the drawfs dancing around the paper mache copy of Stonehenge in the movie Spinal Tap.

However, once we moved the booth, then our display didn't quite work. After some bending, folding, and generous amounts of duct tape, we had our booth looking good.

We set up our samples and handouts -- golf ball markers and gooey brains (no, not together). We also had lots of our sales literature available. So far, so good. (Editor's note -- if you want us to send you a sample of either the brains or the golf balls markers, send us an e-mail).

However, 60 minutes before the show was to start, our partner (who had all of the clothing that we were going to display) hadn't shown up. Calls to her cell phone went unanswered. However, she showed up, set up and was ready to go as the doors opened. Whew!

Our next challenge was hoping that our autograph guest, Philadelphia Flyers Hall of Famer (and current radio announcer) Brian Propp, would show up. Luckily, was early.

The last detail was my wife (and the company's graphic designer) showing up on time. With the parking situation being a bit challenging, she was a bit late, but arrived with her samples in time to chat up the numerous guests who stopped by our booth.

All in all, the show was a great success. We made numerous contacts that hopefully will turn in to clients int he coming months. Brian Propp was a fantastic guest -- extremely cordial, willing to chat with fans, pose for pictures and autograph everything that was asked of him. Our booth even won second prize in the booth display contest. All in all, a good evening.

Of course, we probably would have taken first prize if it weren't for those dancing dwarfs at our booth.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always interesting to see how Proforma leverages blogs to grow its web presence. Glad the tradeshow went so well for you!