Saturday, September 01, 2007

Read! Subscribe! Buy!

I'm one of those people who actually use the internet for information (yeah, yeah...just the they guys who read Playboy for the articles). I especially like to find "experts" on the subjects of Promotional Products (no surprise there), sales and marketing.

Almost always, these experts offer us free e-mail tips, just for subscribing to their daily or weekly newsletters. Seems pretty simple -- you get information you may want to read delivered directly to your in-box. Pretty easy.

In fact it's so easy, I subscribe to at least 6 such newsletters. Of course, all of these "experts" know how to help you sell more, make better profits, regrow your own hair and become rich beyond your wildest dreams. Here's an actual example of one of the marketing "tips" an expert sent (I'm going to paraphrase so I don't get my butt sued).

"When leaving a message on a prospect's voicemail, be sure that the absolute last thing you say is the person's name. This will show a sincere interest in the person and will give them a warm and fuzzy feeling about calling you back."

As if it was that easy.

"Hi, Mr. Prospect. I don't know you and you don't know me. Buy my stuff. I'll call to check in with you in six minutes, Mr. Prospect."

Of course, we know it doesn't work that way. Every salesperson and every customer has their own unique style, and there is no "one size fits all" strategy.

But that doesn't stop the so-called experts from trying. And here's the interesting point -- those experts aren't really trying to get you to increase YOUR sales -- they're trying to increase THEIR sales.

In addition to the free newsletter, there is always an offer to buy their six-month course for $299, with $14,000 worth of free gifts (a bit of an oxymoron, if you ask me. And check this out -- one of the free gifts was an e-book valued at $85 -- compared to a paperback which sells for $9.95). Obviously, someone is buying these. And even more obviously, someone is getting rich off of it.

So... coming soon....our special, three-times-a-day newsletter. This newsletter will be jam-packed with worthless information designed to help you sell more of whatever you sell. And it will be written with lots of short sentences! And exclamation points! And words that are capitalized FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON WHATSOVER!! Sign up now! Tell a friend. And you will also want to buy our 66-part companion sells guide for $199 -- which includes over $65,000 in FREE GIFTS!!! Lots of info! Lots more short sentences! All designed to make me FABULOUSLY WEALTHY!!!!

All you have to do is call our toll-free number and leave a message.

And make sure the last thing on that message is my name.

All the best....

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