Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Social media...is it really working for anyone?

I've been reading a lot about the various social media and its effects on businesses. As with just about every available subject, there are experts who "claim" to know about everything about each subject..no matter how little hard evidence there is to support their claims.

Anyway, people are claiming that social media -- Facebook, blogging, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a whole mess of others -- are the "next big thing" for businesses. The only thing missing is proof.

Sure, they can quote some study and find some business owner somewhere who will back up there claims (and how difficult is that really? Remember, they found a dentist who DIDN'T recommend sugarless gum) and the expert can go on their merry way.

The problem/challenge is that right now, every business everywhere is trying to get the same results that were quoted by the "expert"...and not feeling too good when their results don't measure up.

We were working with a customer who wanted to "tweak" (read: totally redo) the company's website because they weren't getting anything out of it. A quick look at the site revealed myriad problems -- the site and business had different names, the site wasn't promoted on the company's e-mails, etc...and those were the ones that just jumped out at me.

All of this new media -- and the older stuff too, like websites -- isn't like Field of Dreams. You can't just build it and hope they will come. It takes some work -- and a coordinated effort -- to get the most out of any marketing effort.

Heck, any expert will tell you that.